continued from scams
truth, and loved her fellow human, in a way that expressed
it, in thought, word, and action! Woman who was finally exhalted one day,
for the truth with love, she
expressed in earnest! Yet this gift of Goddess is being expressed, in the
lives of people today! For a few people accepted,
this gift of truth with love -- from Goddess and expressed it, in thought,
word, and action! A gift you can not touch with your hands, yet it is there
at your command! A priceless gift that can renew, the mind, hope, and spirit,
and give life eternal to humans! Solstice has come, with a holy light to
shine, and make our pathway, sure bright, and kind! So please receive,
and accept Goddess’s gift, of truth with love, when you see that star shining
brightly, upon that Solstice tree,-- or at any moment in time, and choose
to live life in truth with love, in thought, word, and action, and your
life, and way will shine,-- ever so brightly!! In Gaia’s Name, Goddess.
In truth with love, Goddess. Thank You, Goddess
Today Goddess I choose to receive, and accept your gift of truth with love!
I choose to know, trust, and accept the truth, and way of Gaia, as my truth,
and way! I choose to live life in truth with love, in thought, word, and
action today! Today Goddess, I forgive every person who has ever erred,
and hurt me. I pray that they are experiencing an abundant joyful life
on Earth, or where ever they choose to venture to, in the Universe! Goddess,
I______________________also have erred, and hurt other people. I am remorseful,
and I am repentant. Today Goddess, I choose to change my mind, and ways,
and be of the same mind, and spirit as Gaia, be in Earth Consciousness/True,
Real, and Good Consciousness/life, that is of Goddess, and one with Goddess!
In Gaia’s Name, Goddess. In truth with love, Goddess. Thank You, Goddess
Amen, And so it is!
By consciously making this choice, confession, and decision, by putting
my name in the blank spot, I am now totally forgiven, and can, and will
come to know the truth with love, and the truth with love will set me free
to be all that I can be as the image, and likeness of, a unique child/expression
of, the truth, goodness, and love of Goddess ! Who I am is of Goddess,
and One with Goddess, for that which is true, real, and good is everywhere
present! I ask Goddess to eliminate all the lies, prejudices, misinformation,
incorrect perceptions, and neurotic fear, all that is not true, real, and
good from all that I am, in truth with love, and lead, and guide me in
being, and becoming my best, and greatest good! I choose, Goddess provides
in truth with love! Goddess, I choose that which is the best, and greatest
good for all, let your will be done Goddess! Eternal life is now my destiny!
Today Goddess, I____________________ choose to practice forgiveness, to
all that I am, and other people, joyful giving, and grateful receiving.
Today Goddess, I______________________ choose to refrain from relating
with all that I am, other people, life, the situations, circumstances,
and events that make up this life experience, in a negative prejudicial,
judgmental way! In any way that does not bring peace, harmony, and balance,
cause the growth of good, or promote love in the lives of all people! Today
Goddess, I_____________________ choose to know that which is true, real,
and good, that which is truth with love, Earth Consciousness/ True, Real,
and Good Consciousness/life, that is of Goddess, and one with Goddess!
Today Goddess, I choose to focus all that I am, and receive to consciousness
that which is true, real, and good, that which is truth with love, in all
of it’s countless forms. Ether in spiritual form, true good positive creative
constructive unconditional loving thoughts, good ideas, good spiritual
truth/words, by reading good books, and through, contemplation, meditation,
and prayer, and in spiritual physical forms by being conscious of, and
grateful for all of the good I am, all the good life is, all the good I
am receiving every moment, and all the good all around all that I am! Today
Goddess, I choose to grow in that which is true, real, and good, truth
with love, Earth Consciousness/True, Real, and Good Consciousness/life,
and the ability to express Who I truly am in thought, word, and action
with true good faith, and wisdom! Wisdom being the ability to apply good
truthful knowledge in the right way, time, and place in all relationships/Life,
with true good faith, and love! Today Goddess, I choose to proactivly relate
to all people in true friendship, in truth with love, with true good faith,
and wisdom! Truth within a spiritual physical human being; That truth/good
truthful knowledge, true, real, and good consciousness/life within a spiritual
physical human being that causes human beings to live in Peace, Harmony,
and Balance, causes the growth of Good, and promotes Love in the lives
of all human beings. Today Goddess I choose to, express in thought, word,
and action these qualities of Love in all relationships/Life, trust, respect,
acceptance, total forgiveness, patience, praise, compassion, empathy, kindness,
joyful giving, grateful receiving, supportive caring, self discipline,
commitment, perseverance, joy, enthusiasm, loving physical affection, truthful
spiritual communication, spiritual intimacy,-- and physical intimacy as
part of the relationship of sex, and family, outside of sex it hinders
my intellectual spiritual, and emotional growth, and relationship with
my lover, friend, companion, and Goddess. Sex being the highest level of
intimacy between male or female human beings. Adults commit all they are
in truth with love to affirm, and support each other intellectually, spiritually,
emotionally, physically, and socially for their mutual good for as long
as they are alive on Earth, or where ever they choose to venture to in
the Universe! At times in love I may need to confront another person, or
persons that are not living life in life in truth with love, perhaps even
some one very close to me, and I may feel frustrated, and angry, It’s Ok.
Goddess, I choose to express those feeling, in truth with love, in positive,
creative, constructive ways, for the good of all involved! I pray that
you will now choose to be in a loving, supporting, and affirming family
of Goddess, people who have come together in Gaia’s Name, in truth with
love, to learn, come to know, be guided by nature, and demonstrate the
truth with love in their lives, and families. People who have chosen to
live life in truth with love, in thought, word, and action! If you choose
to receive Goddess’s gift of truth with love, please fill in blank spots
with your name, and read all of these pages at night just before you go
to sleep, and before you get out of bed in the morning, this will reconfirm
your commitment to live life in truth with love, in thought, word, and
action, in all relationships/Life. In Gaia’s Name, Goddess In truth
with love, Goddess! May Goddess be Bless you! Thank You, Goddess The
Good Word/Truth with Love
I am a human being. I am a woman. I am a man. I am a child. I____________________
am a child of Goddess! I am a conscious spiritual physical human being!
Supreme--Divine! Goddess’s greatest expression of truth with love on
Earth! Goddess’s greatest miracle on Earth! Knowing, and powerful, tough,
yet tender hearted, and compassionate! I am the truth, goodness, and love
of Goddess, expressed in a very special way, and yet basically the same
as every other human being! I __________________have chosen to be that
which Goddess intended me to be through Gaia, Her Truth, and Way, through
Truth with Love. Who I truly am, that true, real, and good proactive intelligent
positive, creative, constructive, unconditionally loving, intellectually,
spiritually, and emotionally alive, person I truly am, that Earth Consciousness/True,
Real, and Good Consciousness/life, that is of Goddess, and One with Goddess!
Continuously growing in the knowledge of Who I truly am, and the ability
to express this truth with love, in thought, word, and action! Living life
in peace, harmony, and balance, with all huwomanity, in truth with love,
in thought, word, and action, in all relationships/life,
with true good faith, and wisdom! Living life with true good faith,
in the truth, goodness, and love of Goddess, and Who I am as unique child/expression
of the truth, goodness, and love of Goddess! Now, in every moment of today!
Thank you Goddess, for the ability to be conscious of all the Good, all
the good I am, all the good life is, and all of the good all around all
that I am! Thank you Goddess, for the ability to be attuned to the present
moment, and future, with the ability to make conscious choices for Good,
in truth with love, with true good faith, and wisdom, knowing the choices
I make in the present moment will affect my future, and the lives of other
people! Thank You Goddess, for all that I am receiving continuously every
moment, and for this wonderful opportunity, to receive your gift of truth
with love, that gives me eternal life in Heaven, when Who I am departs
from this body, Inner peace, and a more abundant joyful life now! Thank
You Goddess____________________________
Goddess is Mother Provider Goddess is Supreme Divine! Goddess is true,
real, and good, and all that is of Goddess is true, real, and good!
Goddess is all knowing! Goddess is all powerful! Goddess is everywhere
present, and all that is of Goddess is everywhere present! Goddess is continuously
expressing true to the true, real, and good being/nature of Goddess that
is, Infinite Truth, Infinite Goodness, Infinite Love, Infinite True, Real,
and Good Consciousness/Life. I am One with Goddess, for that which is true,
real, and good is everywhere present! Goddess unconditionally trusts, respects,
accepts, cares about, supports, and affirms me, all of me, all that I am
continuously in the present! Goddess is always with me! Always for me!
Always loving, supporting, and affirming me, in living an abundant joyful
life in the body, on Earth, or where ever I choose to venture to, in the
Universe! For the good purpose of expressing that which is true, real,
and good, the truth, goodness love, true, real, and good consciousness/life
that I am at any moment that is of Goddess, and One with Goddess. There
is no other person on Earth, that can do this in exactly the same way I
do, for there is no other person exactly like me on Earth! Who I_______________________
am is of Goddess! Who I am is the image, and likeness of, a unique child/expression
of, the truth, goodness, and love of Goddess, and One with Goddess for
that which is true, real, and good is everywhere present! I am that unique
true, real, and good I am, that I am at any moment that is of Goddess,
and One with Goddess! I am continuously growing in that which is true,
real, and good, truth with love, Earth Consciousness/True, Real, and Good
Consciousness/life, that is of Goddess, and One with Goddess! I am continuously
growing in the full realization of all the good that I am, and all the
good I am capable of expressing as a unique child/expression of the truth,
goodness, and love of Goddess! I am continuously growing in the ability
to express Who I am, in thought, word, and action, with all that I am,
my true good mind, true good spirit, and true good body, all the Good that
I am! Fully aware that I will make mistakes, and I will make incorrect
choices from time to time, I will sin, knowing full well that making mistakes,
and incorrect choices, and learning from those mistakes, and incorrect
choices is a part of the growing process! I_______________ have chosen
the truth, and way of Gaia, as my truth, and way, and I know that which
is true, real, and good. I____________________ have chosen to be, know,
reflect, express, and demonstrate, in thought, word, and action that which
is true, real, and good, the truth, goodness, love, Earth Consciousness/True
Real, and Good Consciousness/life, that I am at an moment that is of Goddess,
and One with Goddess! I am growing in the ability to make conscious choices
for Good with true good faith, and wisdom! Growing in the ability to relate
to all people, and life in truth with love, with true good faith, and wisdom!
Today Goddess, I choose to continue to learn from my mistakes, and incorrect
choices, and become a wiser, and better person for going through the experience!
Today Goddess, I choose to continue to be open in mind, and spirit to the
truth with love, fully receptive to new, and better ways of relating to
all people, and life, in truth with love, and better ways to accomplish
any good worthy ideal, purpose, goal, project, in truth with love.
In truth with love Goddess gave Who I am free will, the freedom, and power
to choose all aspects of life in the body, on Earth, or where ever I choose
to venture to, in the Universe! In truth with love Goddess gave Who I am
free will, the freedom, and power to proactivly choose the mental, and
spiritual environment I choose to have/the thoughts, and attitude I choose
to have, the freedom, and power to choose the relational environment I
choose to have with all that I am, my family, friends, neighbors, all people/life,
and the freedom, and power to shape the physical environment for the best,
and greatest good for all, with true good faith, and wisdom! Today Goddess,
I choose to participate in those aspects of life in the body, on Earth,
or where ever I choose to venture to, in the Universe, that will bring
peace, harmony, and balance to the lives of all people, cause the growth
of good, and promote love in the lives of all people! In truth with
love, Goddess gave Who I am free will, the freedom, and power to choose
how all that I am chooses to experience, the experiences of life in the
body, on Earth, or where ever I choose to venture to, in the Universe!
Today Goddess, I choose to proactivly respond to any situation, circumstance,
or event that is a part of this life experience today, in truth with love
with true good faith, and wisdom. Whatever comes into my experience, relationships/life
causes all that I am to be more aware of, realize, express, and demonstrate
more of the peace, truth, goodness, love, Earth Consciousness/True, Real,
and Good Consciousness/life, that is of Goddess, and One with Goddess!
I express this peace, truth, goodness, love, true, real, and good consciousness/life,
all the good that I am into my relationships/life in truth with love, in
thought, word, and action with true good faith, and wisdom, with all that
I am, my true good mind, true good spirit, and true good body. We are all
designed, and intended to look differently, and we are all beautiful/handsome
in our own way. Just as two snowflakes never look exactly the same, yet
each snowflake is perfect in it's own way. Each snowflake is a expression
of the truth, goodness, and love of Goddess, formed in truth with love,
by the Infinite Eternal Spirit of Truth/Word with Infinite Eternal Love
to be exactly what Goddess intends it to be physically! All that I am is
wonderfully made! All that I am, my true good mind, true good spirit, and
true good body is wonderfully made for Good! There is nothing that is impossible
for Goddess! I am One Goddess for that which is true, real, and good, is
everywhere present! I choose, Goddess provides in truth with love! With
all that is true, real, and good that I am, and with all that is true,
real, and good all around all that I am, whatever I can conceive in my
mind, and have a true good desire, and commitment to have as a part of
this life experience, I can, and will manifest in to being, in truth with
love. With all that is true, real, and good, that I am, and all that is
true, real, and good all around all that I am, I can, and will bring into
full realization/womanifest into being any ideal, good worthy purpose,
project, goal that will bring good into my life, and the lives of other
people, with truth, true good positive creative constructive unconditional
loving thought, love/emotion, true good faith, and wisdom! Intelligently
guided, positive, creative, constructive Love/E--Motion; true good positive
creative constructive focused energy with true good focused positive creative
constructive motion/action, focused towards the progressive realization
of a good worthy ideal, purpose, goal, project, that will bring good into
my life, and the lives of other people! In truth with love Goddess gave
Who I am free will, the freedom, and power to choose, how I choose to live
life in the body, on Earth, or where ever I choose to venture to, in the
Universe! I have chosen to live life on Earth, or where ever I choose to
venture, to in the Universe’s Way, in truth with love! I have chosen the
truth, and way of Gaia as my truth, and way, my destiny is eternal life!
That which is created/formed with truth, and love, is nurtured with truth
with love, is growing in truth with love, is expressing truth with love,
will continue to grow, and proper in truth with love! I choose Goddess,
provides in truth with love! Goddess Today I choose to express in thought,
word, and action with all that I am, and experience with all that I am,
that which is true, real, and good, life, truth with love, love, joy, peace,
that Earth Consciousness/True, Real, and Good Consciousness/life, all that
is true, real, and good that I am, at any moment, and all that is true,
real, and good all around all that I am. Thank you Goddess. I___________________
am a unique human being yet basically the same as every other human being,
for every human being is meant to have the same freedom, and power to live
life, in the body on Earth, or where ever they choose to venture to, in
the Universe, intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally alive, making
conscious choices for good, in truth with love, with true good faith, and
wisdom! I choose today to be involved in the good purpose of leading, and
guiding all people to the truth with love, so that through the truth with
love they can know that which is true, real, and good, and grow to be their
best, and greatest good, and have life a more abundant joyful life in the
body, on Earth, or where ever they choose to venture to, in the Universe,
with eternal life in Heaven! Thank you Goddess_________________________________
In Gaia’s Name, Goddess In truth with love, Goddess May Goddess Bless You!
Thank You Goddess