You have 2 cows. You sell 3 of them to your publicly
using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law
at the bank,then
you execute a debt/equity swap with an associated
general offer sothat
you get all 4 cows back, with a tax deduction
for keeping 5 cows.
The milk rights are transferred via a Panamanian
intermediary to a
Cayman Islands company secretly owned by the majority
who sells the rights to all 7 cows' milk back
to the listedcompany.
The annual report says that the company owns 8
cows, with an option
to purchase one more.*; Meanwhile, you kill the
2 cows because the
feng shui is bad.
Intersest payments on this sum come right off the top of incoming federal tax dollars every year.
Figure that interest rate at, oh say 7-8 percent.
Is anybody who is reading this getting any of that interest money? Is anyone that you know getting that interest money?
Hell no! It's going to all of Ronnie's personal friends, multinationals, and bankers (well isn't that convenient).
And it comes right off the top every single year, just like clockwork, an annual economic sodomy of the average American citizen.